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The Comfort Pledge

It seems that we have met at CLIA Cruise Week in Genoa. We are delighted that our product catches your attention, and we hope this site delivers further information about Téthys Naval and the concept of Cruise Performance and Comfort Management.

The concept of “Comfort Management” introduces tools and instruments to prepare crew and staff to be aware of behaviour-based risk exposures and to respond to resulting impacts on safety and security, from first steps on board throughout all phases of cruise and comfort.

Sustainable Cruise Promise through Comfort Management

You owe your guests the comfort experience: unparalleled moments

We introduce the concept of Comfort Management to the cruise sector. We address cruise operators, crew and hospitality managers and tour operators in their planning to deliver their cruise promise to the guests. Please allow us to go one step back and outline some fundamental pillars of the concept of Comfort Management. It starts with the promise of maritime tourism:

Regardless of customers’ expectations and wishes in terms of the dimension of a cruise ship, the standards of travelling, the specific destinations or the characteristics of the onboard community, maritime tourism has one essential cruise promise in common: unparalleled moments. This value proposition materialises in two moments: in the now of a journey and during the phase until the next cruise.

Cruise operators’ major commercial risk is that their performances do not deliver that promise neither during the journey nor afterwards. The cruise customer ’s verdict depends on their tolerance for deviations from expected performances and perceived comfort. That tolerance, in essence, in neither scalable nor predictable as it depends on individual expectations and standards. The individuals on board and their personalities, professions and characters reflect the diversity of any other community in a confined environment.

However, all deviations from cruise performances follow realised risks of potential disruptions from the planned conduct of maritime tourism.

This is the Cruise Promise. We deliver the Comfort Management.

We assist you in reducing the unexpected.

In contrast to an outstanding level of hospitality and exclusivity, adverse indicators of individual behaviour and situational risks remain unrecognised benchmarks. Incidents and impacts due to inappropriate situational awareness for risk exposure may result in guests refraining from booking their next journey, regardless of the further hospitality and exclusivity rendered. That is the operators’ peril to deliver the Cruise Promise in full.

The math is simple: All contributing factors of Comfort follow a pattern of predictability and preparedness for probability, intensity, and durability. Efforts to mitigate deviations from the cruise performance and the guest’s tolerance for disruptions contribute equally. Tolerance is neither scalable nor predictable. Individual personalities are affecting contributors that are indeed impossible to predict.

Triggers for disruptions are predictable, processes and reactions are foreseeable. This means that there are sufficient parameters available to compensate for uncertain tolerances and personalities. Comfort Management assesses these parameters and procedures. And it implements an awareness and training plan for crew and staff.

A prominent side effect is that Comfort Management contributes to UN-SDG14 and UN-SDG16 by ensuring Safety, Security, and the Rule of Law at sea as on land.

Three Featured Outcomes

1.  ENHANCED CAPABILITY FOR CRUISE PROMISE: Situational awareness education builds confidence. And this enhances the capability to ensure the Cruise Promise; crew and staff cannot rule out disruptions of cruise performances, but they can be educated, equipped, and trained for comprehensive preparedness and integrated responses to maintain the integrity of the Cruise Promise.

2. REDUCED EFFECTS OF DISRUPTION: Preparedness for mitigation and responses reduces the probability, the intensity, and the durability of disruptions of cruise performances. On the cruise community side, the guest will reward the operator with further voyages. On the operational hospitality side, crew and staff gain more time, energy, and attention to invest in the Cruise Promise.

3. LOW IMPACT OF IMPLEMENTATION AND STRONG EFFECT ON UN-SDG: Without disturbing the on-board organisation, the concept implementation harmonises the efforts of cruise performances, aligns requirements of the legal constraints and combines ambitions of UN-SDG14 and UN-SDG16 at all stages of a cruise.

Contact us now to advance your comfort performance.