Téthys Naval advocates for sustainable development, social progress and equal standards and pledges to contribute to realise the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
In our area of discipline, we are committed to work for their global implementation through qualified expertise in maritime security operations and human and fundamental rights. We advocate for their full recognition troughout maritime governance, including security analysis, risk assessments, security governance and security service management.
Good Health
Implementing risk mitigation procedures and security protocols that ensure good health in confined and remote space by reducing the risk of injuries and death and by preventing and treating substance abuse
Quality Education
Offering education to responsible personnel and train modules of risk mitigation procedures and security protocols and review the existing modules regularly
Gender Equality
Integrating security policies and law enforcement guidances for gender equality, and supporting legislation to end all forms of gender based discrimination.
Decent Work and economic growth
Implementing risk mitigation procedures and security protocols that help to end modern slavery, trafficking, and child labour; that respect labour rights and promote safe working environments and ultimately that contributes to beneficial and sustainable tourism
Reducued inequalities
Implementing risk mitigation procedures and security protocols that reflect social, economic and political inclusion and that ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination
Sustainable cities and communities
Implementing risk mitigation procedures and security protocols that foster an inslusive, safe, resilient and sustainable community in confined and remote areas.
Life below water
In addition to environmental protection and marine conversation, adopting and integrating risk mitigation procedures and security protocols that adhere to international law and maritime conventions
Peace justice and strong institutions
Peace justice and strong institutionsImplementing, educating and training risk mitigation procedures and security protocols that support judicial processes and ensures access to justice for all